Children will learn how to

  • Read and write music notation
  • Master new pieces quickly by using efficient practice tricks
  • Perform in front of others
  • Prepare for music exams (when beneficial)
  • Truly understand and enjoy music

Accelerated learning

  • Gamified learning: Children learn more thoroughly when they are fully engaged. Sam’s students enjoy weekly games to lay an effective foundation for rhythm, pitch and posture.
  • Games library: Students take home weekly games to help them acquire new musical concepts.
  • Sightreading: At Sam’s studio, students learn to read music with games that fully explain the musical staff.

Putting it all together in a fun way.

Feel and interact with the notes.

Engaging young students with imaginative games.

Practice teams

It takes a team to nurture a budding musician! The child, parent and teacher all work together to develop the child’s skills.

Parents help to cultivate a musical environment and guide their children with their home practice.

Parents do not need prior experience with music. By participating in lessons and making use of the provided learning resources, parents can confidently encourage their children at home.